Our masters at the MIST ~ Passion/Patin/Vitesse - Passion/Speed/Skating


8 avril 2017

Our masters at the MIST

They will never give up

Text : Julie Doyon
Photos : René Therrien
              Masters International Short Track Games
Sources : http://www.shorttrackonline.info/live.php

It is on a Beatles musical background and a festive atmosphere that the first day of competition of the Masters International Short Track Games (MIST) started last Thursday in Sheffield, in northern UK. The opening ceremony took place on the ice, where the 14 participating nations were introduced by Sheffield’s Mayor, who also welcomed the 91 eager and excited competitors, ready to jump on the ice to get what they had been training for: gold.

Four women and eight men, aged from 30 to 75 years old, formed the Canadian team. We want to congratulate the athletes that took part in this great short track meet, because they actively contribute to the evolution and visibility of their sport. Their passion and dedication are an infinite source of inspiration for people that surround them.

In the women’s competition, Kim Reid was the best Canadian, and took the 4th place in the overall ranking. Her own original skinsuit design which represents a traditional Scottish costume certainly caught the attention of the crowd. Gundi Pawasserat, from Germany, took the 1st place, Helen Kirkby, from the UK, took 2nd, and Katia Varetta, from France, took the 3rd place. Among the other Canadian women, Carine Annecou took the 6th place, immediately followed by Tammy Currie, and finally, by Anika Bédard, who finished in the 13th position in the overall ranking.
Masters short track passion and spirit.

The men were divided in five groups. In group 5, Jim Lynch from Australia won the 1st place, followed by Jacob Van Den Bosch from the Netherlands, and fellow Aussie Harry Spragg. Yves Garneau from Canada took the 10th place in that group.

In group 4, Herbie Labiche dominated the competition, finishing first, before Gary Leighs from Australia and Cameron Boyd from Canada.

Canadian skater Martin Beaudry won every event in group 3, and finished 1st overall. Brits Alan Dobbie and Steve Humber respectively took the 2nd and 3rd places. Alexandre Larouche from Canada finished 9th in this group.

In group 2, Robert Mitchell and Peter Carr from the UK took the 1st and 2nd place, followed by Norwegian skater Thomas Roste. Canadians Yan Traversy and Rob Binns took the 6th and 7th places.

Short trackers from the UK dominated group 1 – the fastest – by taking over every step of the overall ranking podium. Phil Brojaka has covered himself in gold, Peter Armstrong won silver, and Matt Rowe took the bronze. Canadian skaters Keven Fitzpatrick and Mark Roop finished 12th and 14th in this group.
UK skaters, Adam Hill, Helen Kirkby,
and Steve Humber were ready to rumble.

Please note that these results are not ranking skaters according to their age groups.


Women’s 1000 m

The women broke the ice and skated the first race of these MIST Games on Thursday morning. German skater Gundi Pawasserat won gold, followed by Helen Kirkby from the UK, and Canadian Kim Reid, who took the bronze. Canadian skaters Carine Annecou finished 7th, Tammy Currie took 9th place, and Anika Bédard finished 14th.

Men’s 1000 m, group 5

In group 5, Australians Jim Lynch and Harry Spragg took the 1st and 2nd places. Jacob Van Den Bosch won the bronze. Canadian Yves Garneau took the 7th place in this event.

Men’s 1000 m, group 4

Herbie Labiche from Australia took the gold, Gary Leighs from the UK took the silver, and Enrico Peretti from Italy took the bronze. Canadian Cameron Boyd finished 4th in this event.

Men’s 1500 m (groups 3, 2, 1)

On the 1500 m, in group 3, Martin Beaudry from Canada walked on the highest step of the podium. UK skaters Alan Dobbie and Steve Humber took the silver and bronze medals. Canadian Alexandre Larouche arrived in 9th place in this event.

In group 2, UK skaters Robert Mitchell and Peter Carr won gold and silver, followed by Norwegian Frode Midjo. Canadians Rob Binns and Yan Traversy took the 5th and 7th places.

In group 1, Phil Brojaka from the UK took the first place, with a time of 2:38:683, the best time of these MIST Games at the 1500 m. Hi fellow countryman Peter Armstrong took the silver medal, and Italian skater Fabio Cassinelli took the 3rd place. Keven Fitzpatrick and Mark Roop from Canada finished in 10th and 14th places.

Women’s 500 m

German skater Gundi Pawasserat swap gold, while the French Katia Varetta took silver, and Canadian Tammy Currie brought back the bronze. Canadians Carine Annecou, Kim Reid, and Anika Bédard respectively took the 4th, 6th and 12th positions.

Men’s 500 m, group 5

Australian Jim Lynch took the gold, Jacob Van Den Bosch from the Netherlands took the silver and Harry Spragg from Australia grabbed bronze. Canadian Yves Garneau took the 14th place in this event.

Men’s 500 m, group 4

Herbie Labiche from Australia took the gold, while his fellow countryman Gary Leighs grabbed the silver, and Canadian Cameron Boyd took bronze.

Men’s 500 m, group 3

Martin Beaudry from Canada easily won the gold, followed by Alan Dobbie and Steve Humber from the UK. Alexandre Larouche arrived in 10th.

Men’s 500 m, group 2

British skater Robert Mitchell won the gold, and Frode Midjo and Thomas Roste from Norway took silver and bronze. Canadians Yan Traversy and Rob Binns took the 5th and 8th places in this event.

Men’s 500 m, group 1

Phil Brojaka from the UK won gold, Henk Bos from the Netherlands took the silver, and Peter Armstrong from the UK grabbed the bronze. Canadians Keven Fitzpatrick and Mark Roop came in 12th and 14th places.
International Relay

At the 3000 m International Relay, the Canadian women’s team (Carine Annecou, Tammy Currie, Anika Bédard, and Kim Reid) covered themselves in gold, while Great Britain came in 2nd.

In the men’s relay, Australia sneaked into 2nd place, between two other teams from the UK.

The Canadian and the British women’s relay teams.


Women’s 777 m

Gundi Pawasserat from Germany won the gold, Katia Varetta from France took the silver, and Helen Kirkby from the UK took the bronze. Canadian skater Kim Reid came in 4th in this final. Carine Annecou, Tammy Currie, and Anika Bédard took the 8th, 10th and 13th positions.

Men’s 777 m, group 5

Jim Lynch from Australia won the gold, Jacob Van Den Bosch from the Netherlands grabbed the silver dans Harry Spragg from Australia brought home the bronze. Yves Garneau from Canada took the 11th place in this event.

Men’s 777 m, group 4

Herbie Labiche from Australia took first place, followed by Enrico Peretti from Italy, and Canadian Cameron Boyd.

Men’s 1000 m, group 3

Martin Beaudry from Canada put his hands on the gold, Alan Dobbie took the silver, and Steve Humber won the bronze.

Men’s 1000 m, group 2

Robert Mitchell and Greg Elliott from the UK won gold and silver, while Thomas Roste from Norway took the bronze. Yan Traversy from Canada came in 4th, and Rob Binns arrived in 8th place.

Men’s 1000 m, group 1

Phil Brojaka and Matt Rowe from the UK stood on the first two highest steps of the podium while Australian skater Timothy Davids came in 3rd. Keven Fitzpatrick and Mark Roop from Canada took the 12th and 14th places.

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