Breaking News: World championships in short track could be held this fall ~ Passion/Patin/Vitesse - Passion/Speed/Skating


29 février 2020

Breaking News: World championships in short track could be held this fall

The International Skating Union (ISU) just released a statement concerning the cancellation of the 2020 World championships in Korea. Instead of fully cancelling the event, the ISU is still looking into having it before the end of 2020. Here is the complete statement from the ISU. (Photo by Oscar van den Bosch)
On February 26, 2020 the ISU announced that the ISU World Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2020 cannot be staged as originally foreseen on March 13-15, 2020 since, in light of the situation in South Korea, the competent authorities of the city of Seoul have closed the Mokdong Ice Rink and ordered the cancellation of all planned competitions.
In the meantime, the ISU evaluated the situation and concluded that considering the current uncertain developments surrounding the Coronavirus, a rescheduling and/or relocation of the above-mentioned Championships within the current season, even if the season would be extended by several weeks after its normal end in early April, cannot be reasonably considered. During the coming weeks, the ISU will evaluate in cooperation with all stakeholders whether the ISU World Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2020 could possibly be held later in the year, but in any case not before mid-October 2020. The ISU will keep its Members informed on the ongoing evaluation and will announce a decision as soon as possible.

All other ISU Events for the season 2019/20 remain scheduled as planned. In this regard, the ISU is closely following the evolution of the Coronavirus and will follow the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization and the competent local authorities.
In particular, the ISU has updated the prevention measures it has implemented since February 4, 2020.
The ISU continues to work with local Medical personnel for each ISU Event who are in contact with their respective Public Health officials in the countries hosting ISU Events.
Because of the evolution of the Coronavirus outside of China the updated protocol for attending ISU Events is outlined below. The ISU educational sheet on coronavirus has also been updated and is available on the ISU website and the “ISU Events App” (available at ISU Events only).
Please be aware that anyone with ANY symptoms of acute illness shall NOT be traveling to ISU Events.
Anyone seeking accreditation for ISU Events will be required to complete the ISU questionnaire, which includes a temperature check. Any one with an acute illness or temperature will not be granted an accreditation. Instead they will be provided with a mask, isolated and will follow the protocol of the host country for testing and quarantine.

The ISU implemented precautions at ISU Events since February 4, 2020 and the precautions have been updated as of February 29, 2020 and are aimed at all accredited persons for the prevention of contracting the Coronavirus:
  1. Questionnaire and health checks to be completed at arrival at the ISU Event
  2. Health checks periodically throughout the ISU Event
  3. Availability of tests for coronavirus on anyone with a temperature
  4. Availability of masks for anyone who has cold-like symptoms or requests one. Please note that masks are not recommended for anyone who is healthy. Masks are recommended for anyone with symptoms.
  5. Isolation room(s) to be available if necessary
  6. Availability of hand sanitizer throughout the venue and the hotel
  7. Gloves to be available if requested
  8. Reinforce education regarding frequent hand washing, use of hand gel and cough etiquette.
  9. Reduce handshaking and close physical contact
  10. Educational sheet (see attached) is included in information on the ISU Events App.
Further, the ISU is in close contact with the Organizing Committees who will implement any necessary measures for the general public.
It is recommended to refer to the following links for the latest information, which may evolve in response to COVID-19 developments:
Coronavirus 2019 – WHO
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation reports – WHO
Travel restrictions, flight operations and screening – SOS International

The ISU reiterates that it stands by all those who have been affected and threatened by this situation and wishes success to all those fighting to overcome the crisis, with the expectation and hope that the situation will be restored to normal as quickly as possible. The ISU expresses condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones due to this contagious disease.

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