novembre 2018 ~ Passion/Patin/Vitesse - Passion/Speed/Skating

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La Colombie et la France se démarquent à Ibagué

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30 novembre 2018

A look back at the road portion of the Inline Pan Am Championships

The Pan American inline speed skating championships resumed with the road competitions on the 23rd to the 25th of November in Monterrey, Mexico.

By Jackob Savard
Photo: Thomas Wendt (@freddyrace)

After fighting on the track, the best inline speed skaters in America competed in the road portion of the Pan American inline skating championships. On the menu: one lap sprint, 100m, points race, elimination race and marathon. Note that the points races were raced on the track because the road circuit was to long for this kind of event.

Pajaro and Escobar, top sprinters on the road
Colombian Geiny Pajaro and Yesenia Escobar respectively won the one lap sprint and the 100m. They also finished second in the distance won by the other one. Their teammate Kerstinck Sarmiento joined them on the one lap sprint podium while Guatemala’s Dalia Soberanis joined them on the 100m podium.

Estrada only man to get on the podium twice in the sprints
Colombian Edwin Estrada was the only male skater to collect two medals during the sprint events on the road. He won the one lap sprint and finished second on 100m. Mexican Jorge Luis Martinez was the winner of the 100m event.

Junior Rueda Rueda Pan american champion
Youth olympic games champion Gabriela Rueda won the 10 000m points race title with an impressive 48 points performance. Her teammates Johana Viveros and Luz Karime Garzon completed the podium. Viveros and Garzon finished second and first in the elimination race before Daniel Mendoza, also a Colombian.

Zapata takes back where he left off
After some solid performances on the track, Daniel Zapata won both the points race and the elimination race of these road championships. Argentina’s Santiago Roumec took two medals while Saul Herrano from Colombia and Jorge Bolanos from Ecuador took one.

Mendoza and Munoz marathon champions
Both marathon were won by Colombian skaters at the finish line. Daniela Mendoza won the ladies’ marathon in 1.08:14 in front of Colombia’s Kerstinck Sarmiento and Chile’s Alejandra Traslavina. In the men’s marathon, it was a pretty slow race where sprint specialist Andres Felipe Munoz won it in 1.11:55 less than half a second before Ecuador’s skaters Renato Campana and Jorge Bolanos.

You can read our article about the track portion of the championships HERE

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Retour sur les Championnats panaméricains de roller sur route

Les Championnats panaméricains de roller se sont poursuivis avec les compétitions sur route du 23 au 25 septembre à Monterrey au Mexique.

Par Jackob Savard
Photo:Thomas Wendt (@freddyrace)

Après s’être battus sur la piste, c’est sur un circuit routier que les meilleurs patineurs sur roues d’Amérique centrale, du nord et du sud ont conclu les Championnats panaméricains de roller. Au menu: 100m, sprint d’un tour, course à points, course à élimination et marathon. Notons que les courses à points ont été disputés sur la piste puisque le circuit routier était trop grand pour ce type d'épreuve.

Pajaro et Escobar, meilleures sprinteuses sur la route
Les Colombiennes Geiny Pajaro et Yesenia Escobar ont respectivement remporté le sprint d’un tour et le 100m. Elles ont également terminés deuxième de la distance qu’elle n’ont pas gagné. Leur coéquipière Kerstinck Sarmiento les a rejoint sur le podium du tour alors que la Guatémaltèque Dalia Soberanis s’est jointe à eu au 100m.

Estrada seul homme à récolter deux médailles lors des sprints
Le Colombien Edwin Estrada a été le seul à monter sur le podium à deux reprises lors des épreuves masculines de sprint de ces championnats sur route. Il a remporté le sprint d’un tour en plus de terminer deuxième au 100m. Le favori local Jorge Luis Martinez a remporté le 100m.

La junior Rueda Rueda championne panaméricaine
La patineuse d’âge junior et championne des Jeux olympiques de la jeunesse Gabriela Rueda Rueda a remporté le titre de championne panaméricaine lors de la course à points de 10 000m avec une impressionnante récolte de 48 points. Ses coéquipières Johana Viveros et Luz Karime Garzon ont complété le podium. Viveros et Garzon ont terminé première et deuxième de la course à élimination devant Daniela Mendoza, aussi de Colombie.

Zapata reprend là où il a laissé
Après de belles performances sur la piste, le Colombien Daniel Zapata a été intraitable sur le circuit routier et est reparti avec les titres de champion panaméricain de la course à points et de la course à élimination. L’Argentin Santiago Roumec a récolté deux médailles alors que le Colombien Saul Herreno et l'Équatorien Jorge Bolanos en ont pris une chacun.

Mendoza et Munoz champions du marathon
Les deux marathons ont été remportés par des Colombiens à la ligne. Daniela Mendoza a remporté la course féminine en 1.08:14 juste devant sa coéquipière colombienne Kerstinck Sarmiento et la Chilienne Alejandra Traslavina. Du côté des hommes, c’est le spécialiste des sprints Andres Felipe Munoz qui l’a emporté dans un lent marathon se soldant en 1.11:55. Il a devancé les deux Équatoriens Renato Campana et Jorge Bolanos de moins d’une demi-seconde.

Vous pouvez consulter notre article sur la portion piste des championnats ICI

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28 novembre 2018

A look back at the track portion of the Inline Pan Am Championships

The best skaters in North, South and Central America were in Monterrey, Mexico for the Pan American Championships last weekend.

By Jackob Savard
Photo: Thomas Wendt (@freddyrace)

In this competition, skaters were trying to qualify spots for their country in view of next year’s Pan American games to be held in Lima, Peru. Skaters from Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, the United States and many more were competing. Canadian Marco Frusteri and Maxime St-Jules who took part in this year’s World Championships were also present at these championships.

Chilean skaters stood out in the men’s sprint distances
Chile’s skaters Emanuelle Silva and Ricardo verdugo were respectively crowned Pan American champion in the 200m TT and the 500m. Adding to his victory in the 500m, Verdugo finished third in the 200m. Other medalists in the sprint distances were Sebastian Guzman, Andres Munoz and Justin Stelly.

Escobar two times medalist in the ladies’ short distances
Colombia’s Yesenia Escobar got two individual silver medals in the track races finishing second in both the 200m and the 500m. Impressive Guatemala’s skater Dalia Soberanis won the 200m TT while Kerstinck Sarmiento from Colombia won the 500m.

Jimenez and Arnedo 1000m champions
Colombian Andres Mauricio Jimenez and Elizabeth Arnedo won the 1000m distance. In the men’s competition, Sebastian Guzman and Santiago Roumec completed the podium while in the ladies' 1000m it was Romina Perez and Kerstinck Sarmiento.

Zapata and Bolanos long distances champions
Colombian Daniel Zapata took the win in the points / elimination race and also took the bronze medal in the elimination race. Ecuador’s Jorge Bolanos won the elimination race and finished second in the points / elimination race. Colombian Carlos Franco and Argentina’s Santiago Roumec both collected a medal.

Colombia from start to finish in the ladies’ long distances.
In the ladies’ longer distances, both podium were all Colombian. Johana Viveros won the points / elimination race in front of her teammates Luz Karime Garzon and Daniela Mendoza. In the elimination race, it was Garzon’s time to be crowned Pan American champion. She was followed by Youth olympic games champion Gabriela Rueda Rueda and Viveros.

Colombia won both relays
Without any surprise, Colombia won both the men’s and the women’s relay. On the men’s side, Mexico took second place and Argentina took third. Chile finished second in the ladies' relay while Mexico took the bronze. It was some pretty surprising results by the Mexicans considering they didn’t manage to access the individual podiums of these track championships.

We will publish an article about the road competition of these Pan American championships in the next few days.

Don't forget to follow our Facebook page, our Instagram account and our Twitter account for daily news and results about speed skating.

Retour sur les Championnats panaméricains de roller sur piste

Les meilleurs patineurs des Amériques étaient à Monterrey au Mexique pour les Championnats panaméricains de roller le weekend dernier.

Par Jackob Savard
Photo: Thomas Wendt (@freddyrace)

Lors de cette compétition, les athlètes tentaient de réserver le plus de places possibles pour leur pays en vue des Jeux panaméricains qui se dérouleront l’an prochain à Lima au Pérou. Nous retrouvions notamment des patineurs de la Colombie, du Venezuela, de l’Équateur, des États-Unis ainsi que de quelques autres nations. Les Canadiens Marco Frusteri et Maxime St-Jules qui avaient pris part aux mondiaux à Heerde cette année étaient également présents.

Les Chiliens sortent du lot dans les épreuves de type sprint chez les hommes
Les patineurs chiliens Emanuelle Silva et Ricardo Verdugo ont respectivement été sacrés champion panaméricain au 200m contre-la-montre et au 500m. En plus de sa victoire sur 500m, Verdugo est également parvenu à remporter le bronze au 200m. Les autres médaillés des courtes distances ont été le Vénézuélien Sebastian Guzman, l’Américain Justin Stelly et le Colombien Andres Munoz.

Escobar double médaillée lors des sprints féminins
La Colombienne Yesenia Escobar a récolté deux médailles d’argent individuelles lors de ces championnats soit au 500m et au 200m contre-la-montre. La patineuse du Guatemala Dalia Soberanis qui a eu une belle saison 2018 a remporté le 200m contre-la-montre cette fin de semaine. Sur 500m, c’est la Colombienne Kerstinck Sarmiento qui a été couronnée championne.

Jimenez et Arnedo champions du 1000m
Le Colombien Andres Mauricio Jimenez et sa compatriote Elizabeth Arnedoon ont remporté le 1000m. Chez les hommes, Sebastian Guzman et Santiago Roumec ont complété le podium alors que ce sont Romina Perez et Kerstinck Sarmiento qui ont pris le second et le troisième rang chez les dames.

Zapata et Bolanos champions longues distances
Le Colombien Daniel Zapata s’est emparé de l’or à la course à points et élimination en plus de prendre le bronze à la course à élimination. De son côté, le patineur équatorien Jorge Bolanos a remporté la course à élimination et a pris le second rang de la course à points et élimination. Le Colombien Carlos Franco et l’Argentin Santiago Roumec ont tous deux remporté une médaille.

Colombie du début à la fin lors des longues distances féminines
Lors des longues distances féminines, nous avons eu droit à deux triplés de la Colombie. Johana Viveros a remporté la course à points et élimination devant ses coéquipières Luz Karime Garzon et Daniela Mendoza. Lors de la course à élimination, c’est Garzon qui s’est imposée. La jeune Gabriela Rueda Rueda récemment sacrée championne olympique de la jeunesse a pris le second rang alors que Viveros a pris le bronze.

La Colombie remporte les deux relais
Sans grande surprise la Colombie a remporté les épreuves de relais chez les hommes et chez les femmes. Du côté masculin, le Mexique a pris le second rang juste devant l’Argentine. Chez les dames, c’est le Chili qui a pris l’argent devant le Mexique. Ce sont de surprenants résultats pour les Mexicains considérant qu'ils n’étaient pas parvenus à atteindre les podiums individuels lors de la compétition.

Nous publierons un article sur la portion route de ces Championnats dans les prochains jours.

Assurez-vous de vous abonnez à notre infolettre, de suivre notre page Facebook, notre compte Instagram et notre compte Twitter pour ne manquer aucune nouvelle sur le patinage de vitesse.

27 novembre 2018

A look back at the Junior & Neo-senior World cup 1

The future stars in long track speed skating met last weekend in Poland for the first junior and neo-senior World cup of the season.

By Jackob Savard

While the senior World cup #2 was taking place in Tomakomai, Japan, some elite athletes from the younger generation of the sport were in Tomaszów-Mazowiecki for the first junior and neo-senior World cup of the season.

Femke Kok stood out in the ladies' junior category
Netherlands' Femke Kok had a solid weekend in the ladies’ junior World cup. In the individual distances, she finished fourth on 500m, won the 1000m and the 1500m. Robin Groot also from the Netherlands got three individual medals and also finished with a great weekend. Her teammate Michelle de Jong, Antoinette de Jong’s sister won the 500m distance with a new track record of 38.78. It is an impressive result considering she’s still a junior! Japanese Lemi Williamson whose brother is competing on the senior World cup circuit won the 3000m. Russian Kristina Silaeva also got good results collecting two medals in the sprint distances.

Kubo and Engebraten on the top in the men's junior
Japanese Koki Kubo and Norwegian Hallgeir Engebraten stood out in the men’s junior World cup. Kubo won the 500m and 1000m event while Engebraten won the 1500m and 3000m. Other skaters also collected good results. Taiyou Nonomura from Japan took silver on 1000m and 1500m while Russia’s Sergei Loginov took the bronze medals on the same distances.

Béatrice Lamarche performed well in the neo-seniors
Canada’s Béatrice Lamarche performed well during the neo-senior competition. She won three golds, a silver and a bronze medal and also finished fourth one time. Another Canadian woman performed well during the weekend. Abigail Mccluskey won the 3000m, took silver on 1500m and in the mass start and got the bronze on 1000m. She was also part of the Canadian winning team in the team sprint. Russia’s Irina Kuznetsova also got good results winning the 500m and the 1000m.

Tyson Langelaar best neo-senior male skater of the weekend
Canada's Tyson Langelaar was the best neo-senior to skate in Poland this weekend. He won the 1000m and 1500m events and finished second on 3000m and in the mass start. The same weekend as his sister Isabelle Weidemann won her first individual World cup gold medal, Jake Wedemann, won the 3000m and finished 3rd on 1500m.

For the full results of the Junior World cup, click HERE
For the full results of the Neo-senior World cup, click HERE

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5 Canadian skaters to watch this season in long track

With a new Olympic cycle just beginning, be sure to take note of these long track skaters who will be looking to shake things up over the next few years on route to Beijing 2022.

By: Maria Dalton
Photos By: @schaatsfotos, Arno Hoogveld and Marc-Antoine Caron

The start of a new Olympic cycle brings with it fresh new faces looking to make their mark on the Canadian team. While one can assume that skaters like Ted-Jan Bloeman, Ivanie Blondin, and Gilmore Junio will continue to play an integral role on the Canadian team, find below some skaters who could mix things up this season for the Canadians.

Tyson Langelaar

After finishing in second place overall at the 2018 World Junior Championships – an improvement from his third place finish the year before – Tyson Langelaar will be looking to make a splash during his first year of senior competition. The young Manitoban has competed at the past 3 World Junior Championships and won a gold medal in the Mass Start at the 2015 Canada Games. His main focus is on the 1500m, and he will be trying to qualify for the world cup events in this distance this fall at the long track team selections. Langelaar is among the group of young skaters – including Chris Fiola and David La Rue - who will be in their prime for the 2022 Olympics in Beijing.  After spending his first full summer training with the national team in Calgary, it’s reasonable to expect that he is dialled in and ready to make his mark as the season kicks off.

Valerie Maltais

Valerie Maltais is no stranger to competition, having previously competed at three Olympic Games as a member of Team Canada’s short track squad. Her decision to switch to long track brings to a close the 22-year chapter of her life dedicated to short track. The Olympic silver medallist was a mainstay on the women’s short track team for years and will now shift her focus to the 400m oval. While the distances we can expect to see Valerie Maltais racing still aren't official, you can be sure that she will be looking to fire things up this year and make a splash in her first season new blades.

David La Rue
David La Rue surprised many speed skating fans last year with his performances at the world cup selections, where he finished in 4th place in both the 1000m and 1500m. As a result, he competed at the four fall World cup events in Heerenveen, Stavanger, Calgary and Salt Lake City in the B division. La Rue had a stellar season last year, and aside from competing in World cup events he was crowned Junior World Champion in the Mass Start, and captured the silver medal in the 1500m at the same championships. His performances last year saw him break the Canadian Junior record in the 1500m, and be named the Long Track Rising Star of the Year by Speed Skating Canada. He is among the cohort of skaters aiming to attend the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, and if his past performances are any indication of what’s to come, he is surely someone to keep your eyes on in the coming seasons.

Isabelle Weidemann
Isabelle Weidemann has been consistently finishing in the top 10 at World cup events in the 3000/5000m, and helped the Canadians capture two bronze medals in the Team Pursuit this past season. She competed at her first Olympic games this year and showed great promise - finishing in 7th and 6th place in the 3000m and 5000m, respectively. In addition to her individual performances at the Games, Weidemann narrowly missed the podium alongside teammates Ivanie Blondin and Josie Morrison in the team pursuit. She has been very consistent on the World cup circuit, and at only 23 years of age Weidemann’s past performances put her in an excellent position to continue climbing up the World cup rankings over the coming seasons.

Christopher Fiola
Having just completed his first season at the senior level, Christopher Fiola will look to his past experiences on the World cup circuit to help push him to new heights this coming season. He had a great season last year and represented Canada on the World cup circuit in the mass start. Fiola was aiming to qualify for the Olympics in the mass start, however when he failed to qualify he made the switch to the 500m where he was a bit too late to the party and did not qualify for the team. He will be looking to improve his times this year in the 500m and hopes to finish consistently in the Top 20 in this distance. Although, he was unable to qualify for the Olympics this time around, he surely hasn’t missed his chance, with the 2022 Beijing Olympics only a few years away. Chris Fiola has already found success in the mass start, but with his focus now shifting to the 500m, and judging by his past performances he is somebody that should be on your radar as this season kicks off.

Be sure to keep an eye on these skaters as the season gets underway, and make sure you check out our coverage of long track events throughout the 2018/2019 season.